Matthew 6:17–18 (HCSB)
But when you fast, put oil on your head, and wash your face, so that you don’t show your fasting to people but to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
Good morning Zebras,
Books about fasting usually reference today’s verses. They point out that Jesus said “when you fast” not “if you fast” which implies Jesus expected His disciples to fast. And they also point out that verse eighteen says “your Father …will reward you,” a gentle reminder that fasting, when done to draw closer to God, carries a reward.
About three years ago God blessed our family with two goofy little dogs that we call Moodles. One reason I know they’re from God is because I have learned so many Godly lessons from watching them that is almost embarrassing.
Even though I walk almost every day I don’t always walk the dogs. My normal walk is too far for them and I am often too lazy to take a short walk and a long one.
But Joshua, who is the most devoted creature I have ever seen, always wants to go with me. He loves his walks and he loves me and it’s his devotion and excitement that makes me give in and do both the walks.
Abbey on the other hand enjoys her pillow far more than she enjoys the great outdoors and although she doesn’t dislike walking she would be perfectly happy staying home. She starts out strong, but about halfway through she is “done” and ready to quit.
The other day Katherine and I were walking the moodles together and Abbey started lagging behind. Without saying anything Katherine stopped, scooped her up, kissed her on her head, cuddled her for a few minutes and then set her back down.
When I asked her what she was doing she told me she was “resetting” Abbey.
She went on to explain that Abbey gets tired of walking but that if you pick her up and love on her, when you set her back down she is ready to go again. And it was true. When Katherine had picked Abbey up she had been dragging her little paws and walking with her head down, basically just enduring, but when she put her back down Abbey was rejuvenated. She was all excited again and the spring had returned to her step.
Yesterday I realized that was one reason why God prompted me to fast. He knew I was getting tired and He wanted to reset me. Fasting is His version of picking us up and cuddling us on the head so that we can joyfully get back to work.