For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
Good morning Zebras,
I am getting ready for the "We Have Hope" retreat in Simi Valley this weekend and I just wanted to share a little bit of what God has been teaching me.
As I began researching the idea of hope I found that hope comes from reading and understanding Scripture (today’s verse) from knowing and trusting God (Psalm 62:5), from believing in and accepting the sacrifice of Christ (1 Cor 15:19), and from walking in the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13). And when you think about it, it makes perfect sense.
Reading the Bible is where we have to start. It is in Scripture that God reveals Himself to His people. It is there we learn who He is and what He has done for us. Just like the lame man who was healed by Jesus in John 5, if we want to get well, we need to “Get up! Pick up our mat and walk.” And walking, for me, began with opening the Word and getting to know God.
Look at the men and women of the Old Testament who knew their God, especially David, who was promised the kingdom of Israel at fifteen but did not get it all until he was thirty-seven. Yet read David’s Psalms. David knew who God was and knowing that allowed him to wait, to stand up to the ridicule and attacks of others and obey God even when it was difficult, because his God was bigger than the problems around him. And when he failed, he threw himself on the mercy of God because he knew his God would forgive him.
Plus, people who have hope know Jesus Christ as savior and they understand that this world is not their home. They understand that we are passing through and our real home is in heaven. They know that they will be rewarded for the good deeds that they have done in the body and are willing to make any sacrifice for Christ. They know that there is something better to come and they live with their eyes focused on that goal. They know what Paul knew-that everything is rubbish compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus.
Finally, those people who have hope understand the Holy Spirit that lives inside them. They know that they have the power to overcome because of that spirit. They know they can do all the things that God has given them to do because of His power. They know they are not alone in this world because God sent the counselor, the Spirit of Christ, to live in us and to be with us at all times. And they know the truth of who God is because His spirit has revealed it to them
I think what God is teaching me, and what I felt prompted to share, is that all of us can have hope if we know our God personally, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
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