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Gary or Jill Getchell at zebraministries@gmail.com

Zebra Ministries

Welcome to the herd!

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25

Friday, March 10, 2017

Good morning Zebras,

I love you and I love how God speaks and confirms things when your ears are open to hear Him.

Yesterday God didn’t give me anything to say today, so I thought “It must be an Oswald day.”

He confirmed it when the first thing Gary did this morning was send me a link on “Why We’re Still Reading “My Utmost for His Highest’ 80 Years Later” from Christianity Today.

Chamber’s was an obscure Scottish preacher who was mostly unknown and unpublished on American soil.  And yet this little book remains the bestselling devotional of all time while many of his popular contemporaries have faded away.

Personally, I think the key is that God had a hand in the writing of this book.  

Biddy Chambers, Oswald’s wife, was a trained stenographer who took notes during her husband’s sermons for the seven years they were married.  After his death, at 43, she dedicated her life to transforming those notes into books and to overseeing their publication.  It was a labor of love from which she never drew more than a modest salary.   

According to the article, lots of famous Americans have read it including Billy Graham and Bill Bright.  Bill Wilson and Bob Smith, the founders of AA started early group meetings by reading from this book. But that isn’t what has kept it going.  It is the millions of American Evangelicals who have incorporated this book in to their daily time of devotion, giving copies to their family members and friends. 

That certainly describes me.    

This year marks the 100th anniversary of Oswald’s death.  One hundred years since he died and God is still using him to influence and teach His people through a book he didn’t even write!  To me that is amazing.  And encouraging.

Proof that God can do anything through a life devoted to Him. 


So often we don't see fruit from the work we do, or at least not as much as we hoped, but that doesn't mean God isn't producing fruit. He is just preventing us from falling into the trap of pride which is so awesome of HIm! Oswald never thought the words he spoke would be used so powerfully-and yet... Some people like the stories of people who worked hard and made millions-I love the stories of people who obeyed God and were used in ways they never thought possible. Missionaries who were told they were unfit to go on the field only to follow God anyway and be used in powerful ways. Or Mueller who never asked for a dime and yet ran an orphanage in England where the children never went hungry. I love stories of people who believe we serve a BIG God and act accordingly-I guess that is why I love the Bible too. Enjoy your day Zebras, be encouraged, follow God, and leave everything else to Him because you really have no idea what He is going to do. Like D.L. Moody is quoted as saying: (although the quote was not originally his) “The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to him. By God’s help, I aim to be that man.” Amen!

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